I am so excited because today I received my "New World Explorers" CD from Homeschool in the Woods! I'll be using this for the first couple months of our new school year. School starts here for public schools on August 9th. I decided this year that I sort of like that schedule, so we'll start and end when public school does, even though it never really 'ends' for us.
Just in case anyone out there has wondered about it in the past as I have, I wanted to say that this history resource appears to be excellent! "New World Explorers" is the first in a series called Time Travelers. I decided to start with the first, and if all goes well then I will purchase the rest of the series (I am generally cautious about where and what I spend my money on.)
I was surprised to find out that the CD came in a nice illustrated hard case, along with a bookmark, and a small catalog describing other resources from Homechool in the Woods. The CD loaded right up on my pc, and all the needed resources are available in pdf format. I did find it a little annoying that each lesson and project are in their own pdf, but now that I think about it, this will likely be to my advantage as we finish each lesson and move on to the next. I am planning to print out the whole thing to put into our binders, so I guess it really doesn't matter. The illustrations and maps throughout are gorgeous! All of the answer keys are included for me. I absolutely LOVE the pre-made lesson plan that is included. This will save me a whole lot of time!
I am sorry for all the rambling, but I just wanted to brag on this because I feel like it's one of the most worthwhile purchases I've made this year!
You can visit the website links above if you're interested. They have lots of great pics showing the projects, activities, lessons, and what these studies look like when placed in a binder.
If you are interested is seeing a pdf sample of this one, I grabbed the link: http://homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/TTS/HTTA-NWE-Sampler.pdf
And finally, I'll stop writing this post and end with a couple pics of what I received in the mail today. :o)