Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Motorcycles Now Available!

Come Check out... Motorcycles! A Fun Study!

This unit is suggested for grades K-5 but is very flexible higher grades. Younger children can do coloring pages, mazes, lapbook, and some copywork while learning about the topic. Motorcycles! A Fun Study! is a lesson that speaks directly to the child. It was created to be fun and not overwhelming. The child will feel involved in the lesson, while learning about motorcycles. Some of the topics covered include a little of each:

motorcycle history, people in motorcycle history, different types of motorcycles, safety, accessories & gear, mortorcycle parts, and much more

Also included are fact and information pages, diagrams, copywork, videos, coloring pages, two quizzes, motorcycle cards, suggested websites, motorcycle lapbook folds & flaps, lapbook cover pages, and clipart for creating a simple lapbook. Included with the lapbook are the answers to each flap, and optional answer tags that can be used instead of writing the information into each flap. 60 pages.

The lapbook section of this unit does NOT have to be created to benefit from this study! This unit has plenty of other information, facts, and activities.

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