I have mixed feelings about "grading" in homeschool. Sometimes I do, but other times I don't. I'd also like to hear your opinions on this...
Grading papers, and giving tests is necessary in public schools because the teacher cannot possibly take the time to evaluate each child. That's really all a test is, an evaluation, right? I read a really good point today about grading homeschool papers. It said "Grades assign a number to everything. How can you put a number on effort?"
If my children get something wrong on their 'test', I make them find the right answer, and also correct it one their paper. From that point on, they usually remember that error, and continue on with getting it 'right'. So, what if I would have just slapped a "B" on the paper, when, with a little 'effort' they would get it right?
I know some states require this, and I can also see ways that it would benefit, especially for high school purposes, etc. Do you grade papers in your homeschool?