Looking Back... Native Americans
Over the years, I have included tons of lapbooks and other activities into our homeschool. My kids always find them to be so exciting, and I think they will continue to enjoy them in the upcoming years. I am using my "Looking Back" posts to share on this blog some of these older activities that we completed. One of the coolest, in my opinion, was a history pockets unit that we completed back in October of '08. This is sold by Evan Moor, and is called "History Pockets Native Americans" for grades 1-3. Evan Moor is quite expensive, and the pockets take some time to finish, but I have to say, the information we covered was well worth the time and effort. We added some extras, like the artifacts, and some of the photos that I got online. Here are some various pics of the pockets completed by four of my kids :o)If you are interested in purchasing this downloadable project, you can check it out on Currclick HERE.Or you can purchase the book from Amazon HERE
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